Friday, October 31, 2014

The unwritten rules of Restrooms!

So, lately I've been noticing that a lot of you don't know how society works. There are things things out there I call The Unwritten Rules of Society! These are things that nobody comes out and generally says to you, but you should probably know these things automatically. For now there's one category I'm gonna focus on primarily, and that's The Unwritten Rules of The Restroom! 

So listen up, these are things that if you are going to a public restroom, you NEED to know!
First things first. Men's restrooms. URINALS. People do this too much, I've noticed. Say there's 3+ urinals in the restroom next to each other. 1. You do NOT take the middle urinal, you either take the one furthest from the sink, or furthest from everyone else. The reason you don't want the one next to the sinks is, would you want to just be standing there, washing your Okay hands after taking the Manhattan Project of dumps, and some guy walks up right freaking next to you, whips out his junk and starts going. I mean, it's completely fine if all of the others are taken, but if you have the option to take a urinal not next to a sink, do it.
Also, the stalls. This goes for women's restrooms too, but. 1. You do NOT have a conversation in the stalls. 2. This is the same as urinals, but it's not as important, you probably shouldn't take the stall right next to someone. 3. If you are stuck in a stall next to someone, roller-coaster rules (hands and feet inside the stall at all times. 4. If you're especially tall, crouch down, seriously. How would you feel if you're sitting there taking a dump, and some giraffe goes into the stall next to you, and starts staring at you.

I'll continue doing this, like, eventually, but seriously, so many people don't understand these simple concepts, and if you're one of those people, take this blog to heart.

well I don't know how to end this so


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